@extends('space_portal.layouts.master') @section('title','Creating the third workspace. Join today') @section('header') @include('space_portal.partials.header') @endsection @push('styles') @endpush @section('content')





Sign In Information

Email address


Change Email

The space login information was successfully updated.

@endif @if(session()->has('error'))

Something went wrong, please try again.


Change email adress

Current email address
{{-- --}} @if ($errors->has('email'))
Your email is not confirmed. Please check your inbox.
Resend confirmation
@if ($errors->has('name')) {{ $errors->first('name') }} @endif



Change Password

The space information was successfully updated.

@endif @if(session()->has('error-password'))

Something went wrong, please try again.


Change password

@if ($errors->has('old_password')) {{ $errors->first('old_password') }} @endif Show/Hide Password
@if ($errors->has('password')) {{ $errors->first('password') }} @endif Show/Hide Password
@if ($errors->has('password_confirmation')) {{ $errors->first('password_confirmation') }} @endif Show/Hide Password


Secure Your Account

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account. To log in, in addition you’ll need to provide a 6 digit code.

@endsection @push('scripts') @endpush