Booking confirmation
Hey {{$data['booked_by']}},
You have created a booking with {{$data['reserved_seats']}} @if($data['reserved_seats'] == 1) participant @else participants @endif
{{Carbon\Carbon::parse($data['date'])->format('d/m/Y')}} {{Carbon\Carbon::parse($data['time_from'])->format('H:i')}} - {{Carbon\Carbon::parse($data['time_to'])->format('H:i')}}
{{$data['venue_address_first_line']}} {{$data['venue_address_second_line']}} ,{{$data['venue_address_city']}} {{$data['venue_address_postal_code']}} , {{$data['venue_address_state']}}
Add to calendar
This event will show in your Reef app automatically.
Disclaimer: to the current high turnover of staff in hospitality, we cannot promise that the floor staff know about Reef. If this is the case, they can check their point of contact on the Reef email they will have received. If you need help, please email