@extends('company_portal.layouts.master') @section('title','Creating the third workspace.') @section('header') @include('company_portal.partials.header') @endsection @section('content') {{-- new cancel modal --}} @include('company_portal.payment_partials.modals._new_cancel_modal') {{-- subscription reasons modal --}} @include('company_portal.payment_partials.modals._cancel_reason_modal')

Invoice Details

@if($plan->price) £{{number_format($plan->price, 2, '.', '')}} @if($plan->vat)+vat 20% @endif per user for {{Auth::user()->licences}} users
@php $total_price = $plan->price * Auth::user()->licences; $total_price_vat = 0; if($plan->vat){ $total_price_vat = $total_price * $plan->vat / 100; } $total_price = $total_price + $total_price_vat; @endphp £{{number_format($total_price, 2, '.', '')}} total per month @elseif($plan->yearly_price) £{{number_format($plan->yearly_price * 12, 2, '.', '')}} @if($plan->vat)+vat 20% @endif per user for {{Auth::user()->licences}} users
@php $total_price = $plan->yearly_price * Auth::user()->licences; if($plan->vat){ $total_price = $total_price * $plan->vat / 100; } $total_price = $total_price * 12; @endphp £{{number_format($total_price, 2, '.', '')}} total per year @endif
Company name
Building Name
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Post/Zip code
Email invoice to
{{-- is falid class if it is checked --}}
VAT number

Payment history

@if(Auth::user()->subscription('default') && Auth::user()->subscription('default')->cancelled())

Your subscription has been cancelled

@elseif(Auth::user()->subscription('default')) Subscription date {{\Carbon\Carbon::parse(Auth::user()->subscription('default')->created_at)->format('d-m-Y')}} @else No subscription @endif