@extends('layouts.front_main') @section('title', $page_name) @if(isset($page) && $page) @include('front.partials._meta_properties_page') @endif @section('content')
Something went wrong!
You’re seeing this message because:
a) Your pass has either failed to activate, or
b) Your pass is already live but you have re-clicked on the activation link that we sent to you.
How to check?
Login to your account. Go to the ‘Find Chefs’ tab. If there is a button next to each chef listing that says ‘View CV’ your pass is live. If this is not the case then please contact us.
Please note that each site pass can only be activated once.
@elseif($success) Success! Your {{$single_charge->stripePacket->title}} is live Dear {{$single_charge->user->name}}, Thanks for choosing to use Onlychefs.co.uk, your {{$single_charge->stripePacket->interval_count}} {{$single_charge->stripePacket->interval}} pass is now activated. Also, please check out out our top tips for hiring success with Only Chefs as well as our FAQs section. Your {{$single_charge->stripePacket->title}} will expire on {{ \Carbon\Carbon::parse($single_charge->date_end)->format('d/m/Y')}}. We look forward to hearing about your hiring success. @endifOnly Chefs