@vite(['resources/css/app.css', 'resources/scss/theme-styles.scss', 'resources/js/app.js'])
{{-- @if(Route::is('front_dashboard'))bodyclass:true @else bodyclass:false @endif --}}
{{-- --}}
MorePaws Newsfeed
The community newsfeed is a place where you can seek advice, share your experiences, and interact with posts from other MorePaws members.
@if(auth()->user() && auth()->user()->plan && (auth()->user()->plan->name === 'Premium' || auth()->user()->plan->name === 'Pro'))
MorePaws Perks
Take full advantage of our perk section by enjoying discounts on your favourite brands or discover something new to try. Find everything from daily essentials to poochy pampering.
MorePaws Profile
This is your personal profile where you can update everything about you and your dog. Share your interests and express your love for your furry friend to the community!