
Personal Information

Enter your personal information

{{-- @if($cv_file && !is_string($cv_file) && $cv_file->temporaryUrl()) --}} @if($cv_file && !is_string($cv_file) && $cv_file instanceof Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile && $cv_file->getClientOriginalExtension() === 'pdf')
{{-- --}}
{{-- --}}


choose file

Allowed PDF. Max size of 2MB

@endif @if ($errors->has('cv_file')) {{ $errors->first('cv_file') }} @endif
@if($profile_image && !is_string($profile_image) && ($profile_image->getClientOriginalExtension() == "png" || $profile_image->getClientOriginalExtension() == "jpg" ) && $profile_image->temporaryUrl())


choose file

Allowed JPG, PNG. Max size of 2MB


Could you also provide a professional/ish photograph for your file. This will be sent to the school to either place on your lanyard or so that they can recognise you upon arrival for your first day.

@error('profile_image') {{ $message }} @enderror
@if ($errors->has('user.first_name')) {{ $errors->first('user.first_name') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('user.last_name')) {{ $errors->first('user.last_name') }} @endif
@if($job_applied_for && count($job_applied_for) > 0) @foreach ($job_applied_for as $id => $title)
@endforeach @endif
@error('job_applied_for') {{ $message }} @enderror
@if ($errors->has('user.email')) {{ $errors->first('user.email') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('user.phone')) {{ $errors->first('user.phone') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('post_code')) {{ $errors->first('post_code') }} @endif @if($error_post_code) Please enter a valid post code @endif
@if ($errors->has('address_1')) {{ $errors->first('address_1') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('address_2')) {{ $errors->first('address_2') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('country_id')) {{ $errors->first('country_id') }} @endif
--}} {{-- @if($cities && count($cities) > 0)
@if ($errors->has('city_id')) {{ $errors->first('city_id') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('city_id')) {{ $errors->first('city_id') }} @endif
@endif --}} {{--
{{$city->title}} / {{$city->region->title}}
@else Select city @endif
@error('city') {{ $message }} @enderror
@if ($errors->has('user.birthday')) {{ $errors->first('user.birthday') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('candidate.ni_number')) {{ $errors->first('candidate.ni_number') }} @endif
@if($ni_number_file && !is_string($ni_number_file) && $ni_number_file->temporaryUrl())
{{-- --}}
{{-- --}}


choose file

Allowed JPG, PNG, PDF. Max size of 2MB

@endif @if ($errors->has('ni_number_file')) {{ $errors->first('ni_number_file') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('candidate.emergency_contact_name')) {{ $errors->first('candidate.emergency_contact_name') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('candidate.emergency_relationship')) {{ $errors->first('candidate.emergency_relationship') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('candidate.emergency_email')) {{ $errors->first('candidate.emergency_email') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('candidate.emergency_phone')) {{ $errors->first('candidate.emergency_phone') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('date_available_to_work')) {{ $errors->first('date_available_to_work') }} @endif {{-- --}}
@if(count($transport_options) > 0) @foreach ($transport_options as $option )
@endforeach @endif
@if ($errors->has('transport_selected')) {{ $errors->first('transport_selected') }} @endif