@extends('front.master') @section('title', 'Contact Us') @section('meta_title', 'Contact Us') @section('description', 'Contact us via phone or email to get in touch with our dedicated team. Speak to our recruitment team about your education career today.') {{-- facebook meta tags --}} @section('fb_meta_title', 'Contact Us') @section('fb_description', 'Contact us via phone or email to get in touch with our dedicated team. Speak to our recruitment team about your education career today.') @section('fb_route', URL::current()) @section('fb_type', 'website') @section('fb_image', asset('/images/new_design_2022/offer_ca3rd.png')) {{--twitter meta tags --}} @section('twitter_meta_title', 'Contact Us') @section('twitter_description', 'Contact us via phone or email to get in touch with our dedicated team. Speak to our recruitment team about your education career today.') @section('twitter_url', URL::current()) @section('content')

Contact the Team

How can we help you?

Call us


020 7993 2461

East Midlands Team

0115 7866 244

Leave us a message

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